Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Latest Release: My Summer with Jimmy & Nan Dee

We're excited to announce our latest release, My Summer with Jimmy & Nan Dee, by Jane J. Hart.

My Summer with Jimmy & Nan Dee is a touching memoir by newcomer, Jane J. Hart, recounting how simple life was for her daddy growing up in the deep South beginning in the 1930s. She wanted to take advantage of the time she has left with her father by going back in time and writing their history so it may be passed down to future generations. While walking memory lane with her father, Jane realizes how important living a slower paced life is to her own existence.  

The author's longing for simplicity and peace in her own life, while tackling the challenging journey of caring for her severely handicapped daughter, will make you laugh and cry. As Jane records the past, an unexpected visitor helps her see what is genuinely important and shows her how to experience the calm she has so desperately searched for.

Available in paperback and on Kindle.

About the Author:

Jane J. Hart loves telling stories about the ‘sometimes hard to believe’ roller coaster she calls ‘her life’ and she has always wanted to write them down to give you a laugh, share a cry, or inspire you with hope. This desire is what led her to blogging and eventually to her first book My Summer with Jimmy and Nan Dee.

She feels history is super important, especially when it is your own, for people to know who and where they came from and what life was like at the time. That is where this book was born.

Since she is the writer in the family, with aging parents and a passion for writing, she felt it was an adventure that needed to be taken before time was lost.

Jane lives with her husband and two daughters in the deep South where it’s all about extra syllables and sweet tea. She is an avid supporter of all people with special needs and her colorful, spunky personality is not afraid to speak up for those who have no voice. She can take the ho-hum, boring everyday life or daunting reality and turn it into something positive and funny. She is genuine and inspiring and believes it is all about the little things.

You can find her hilarious dose of reality on her website: She is also on Facebook as Look for the good and on Instagram @lookforthegoodinc.

Summer Sale - Save on our Publishing Packages

TMP Books is pleased to announce our summer sale! From now through July 15, 2024, all new clients will receive $500 off the purchase of eith...