Cover Design

A sampling of cover designs by Tracy Ruckman:


by Alma L. Carr-Jones
Published by TMP Books
by Alma L. Carr-Jones
Available in Paperback, Kindle, and as an Audiobook
Published by TMP Books

by Alma L. Carr-Jones
Available in Print, Kindle, and as an Audiobook



Books 1-3 Available Now on Amazon
Books 4 and 5 Coming Summer and Fall 2022
Published by 11:11 Publishing


by Ann White Knowles                                       by Joyce Park
Published by TMP Books                                    Published by TMP Books


Annabelle's Ruth                                                    8 Notes to Nobody
by Betty Thomason Owens                                      by Cynthia Toney
Published by Write Integrity Press                          Published by Write Integrity Press


Published by Write Integrity Press                         Published by Write Integrity Press

Published by Pix-N-Pens                                    Published by Pix-N-Pens


Published by Write Integrity Press                     Published by Write Integrity Press

E-mail Tracy today for your next cover design - affordable and professional.

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