Tuesday, February 8, 2022

New Release with Workbook: Let Your Gifts Shine Forth by Alma L. Carr-Jones

We're thrilled to announce the release of Let Your Gifts Shine Forth by Alma L. Carr-Jones


What gifts has GOD bestowed upon you? How do you let your gifts shine forth?

Let Your Gifts Shine Forth is a labor of love from the author to GOD and to you the reader, because GOD continually wows her in all His wonderful work. He wows her to the point of praise, and this book was written and is offered as an act of worship and praise to our Creator.

Sister Alma’s poems, stories, questions, and prompts will inspire you and encourage you, but they will also challenge you to let your own gifts shine forth – for GOD and for the world around you.

Available on Amazon, from the author, and from most major booksellers by request.
The book is available in Paperback and on Kindle, the workbook is available in paperback.

About the Author:

Alma L. Carr-Jones, a beloved educator, poet/author, a retired educator and a motivational speaker, lives in McKenzie, TN. She is a successful author of nine books to date. Alma loves to write because, as she is fond of saying, “It is something I was meant to do.” 
She is:

An Avid Inspirational Daily Blog Writer

A Highly Acclaimed Retired Teacher of 30 Years

Author of Nine Books

A Preacher’s Wife of 40 years

A w.o.w. (woman of work for the MASTER’s use)

This Christian lady is one who really tries to live up to her motto of “Doing What I Can, While I Can.” Since she is quite busy doing whatever her hands find to do, that old saying of wearing out instead of rusting out will be true of her. She says she wants to have made a difference in the lives of her fellowmen and to have built a legacy that will still speak, even after she is planted in the ground. 

To have the treasure of this woman’s work in your home is to have a loving dose of life as viewed from the eyes of a preacher’s daughter’s daughter and the wife of a preacher. This woman has a heart of gold with arms big enough and ears tender enough to help any soul stay encouraged as they make their way toward Heaven. Alma is such a jewel of a woman that she says, when you see her doing something that you admire, “Don’t get it twisted; it is not me, but the glory of GOD shining through me.” 

Visit Sister Alma's website to learn more about her and her books.

Other books by Alma L. Carr-Jones:


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